Thursday, December 24, 2009

"And I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight..."

"...lose the heavy legal verbiage and you'll have it just right!"

Borders Books
12055 Metcalf, Overland Park


Well, it didn't take long for Borders to jump in whole hog after Barnes and Noble dipped a toe into the free-and-open waters last summer with their two-hours-at-a-pop offer.  Borders has beaten that hands down, however.  Click through their landing page to acknowledge their "terms and conditions"-conveniently available on another page via a link if you really want to read through them all-and after a brief detour to an "are you sure you don't want to buy something while you're here?" page-you're off, at least for as long as you have battery power for unless you're sitting in the cafe against the south wall.  No time limit here, save for that.  Quite a difference indeed, from what I recalled in a post last year to have been my most recent visit here during 2003's "One Unwired Day" promotion, when this was a T-Mobile play-for-pay location.

I am amused somewhat, however, at why growing numbers of hotspot operators-or perhaps the vendors who power them (Verizon in this case)-feel they need to craft written acceptable use policies that are so jargonized and long-winded that they could serve as fodder for perhaps a couple of "Perry Mason" episodes (and I know I'm showing my age there).  Everyone knows no one bothers reading them, and any business who except in an obvious case of egregious wrongdoing on a customer's part actually attempted to enforce any of their more onerous terms would find such a move about as popular with the public as the Grinch is this time of year.

Here's a New Year's resolution I'd like to propose to all free hotspot operators:  Get out from in between your customers and what they're after.  If you feel you absolutely have to steer them to a clickthrough page, do them a favor and put a simple, short, common sense AUP written in plain English right on that page, and present your pitch for an impulse buy there as well.  You just might be surprised at how far a little goodwill like this could go.

And with that, season's greetings to all, and to all a good night!

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