Saturday, December 05, 2009

Someone PLEASE tell me...

...that I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing on wififreespot's Missouri page.  Tell me that if you go there and search for the phrase "funeral home" you won't find a pair of locations in the St. Louis area.  

I can understand streaming a memorial service online for the benefit of friends and associates who can't attend in person in this day and age, but this goes way beyond that in terms of being appropriate in my view.  Seriously, if you didn't care for the deceased enough to keep your PDA in your pocket or your laptop sheathed for an hour and a half or so in his or her memory, why wouldn't you just stay home?

This is the sort of thing I'd have expected to see emerge a few years back, during Wi-Fi's "irrational exuberance" period, and then fade away upon reconsideration.  Perhaps it still will-as it should.

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