Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Well, I thought there wouldn't be much call for the ability to print at wireless hotspots, but if the results of my Googling the subject over the last few days are any indication, maybe I'm wrong.

Seems like a growing number of public and especially academic libraries are implementing schemes to allow this, most of them involving third-party vendors providing web-based printer access. Whether this is what the North Kansas City Public Library is offering I don't know, and
we won't find out until they update their webpage with the straight dope since I'm not planning on going there any time soon to check. (And I'd guess neither is Macenstein, who's probably already camped out on the sidewalk outside the Apple Store.)

Anyway, I'm curious as to whether my initial hunch is right. Does the prospect of being able to pay to use someone else's printer away from home particularly appeal to any of you? I still think it makes more sense to just save what you want to print until you get home-or back to your hotel room if you're traveling (with printers selling new for as little as $25, why not just pack one and carry it along if you think you'll absolutely need to print?). I'd especially like to hear from those of you currently going to school. Is hotspot printing worth the hassle of having to first pay and then haul home the hardcopy, or are you more likely to wait until you're back in your dorm room or apartment and make use of the ink and paper you've already paid for?

Comments please, ladies and gentlemen, comments!

And hang tough, Mac. Sounds like a real gullywasher of a storm out there.