Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why is it that you can still ask such a smart question-

-and receive such a silly answer?

Saw this gem on the KCMO Public Library's website. I think the phrase "Wi-Fi" didn't register with someone. If I'm wrong there, I'd certainly like to hear just how accessing even something that is actually as dangerous as this "IT person" thinks Internet Relay Chat is on my own computer which is (or at least had better be) on a separate subnet from any client owned by the library can possibly pose a threat to those clients.

Reminds me of an old riddle from the earliest days of personal computing, offered here with apologies to those of you who, like me, are old enough to remember it.

"Q. What's the difference between a used-car salesman and a computer salesman?
A. The used-car salesman knows he's lying to you."

I suspect, however, that in the present case, someone in the library administration knows that as well. Denying a service to the public which pays for it on a pretext doesn't strike me as good public policy, but hey, what do I know? I'm just a lousy taxpayer, that's all.

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