Thursday, July 02, 2009

Didn't even know they liked coffee that much out there.

Just happened to catch this little item on one of the Kansas City Star's blogs mentioning that The Coffee Girls on Southwest Boulevard, which was reviewed here a couple of years back, has closed and is in the process of moving to Waldo-where apparently it won't be alone. I guess either Mac or I will have to gear up soon and head that way to check things out. Well, maybe if it stays relatively cool for a bit. Temperatures hovering around the triple-digit mark don't exactly leave me craving a caffeine fix-iced or otherwise.

And not as if any more confirmation was needed, but I'm currently in the Blue Springs South branch of the Mid-Continent Public Library, and their Wi-Fi is just as free and open now as were the others we've found the past few months. It would still be nice, however, if MCPL would see fit to trumpet the news. Their website still makes no mention of it. Why?

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