Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh, that's right-you can order iced tea in these places TOO, can't you?

One More Cup
7408 Wornall Road, Kansas City

SSID: onemorecup

BIg unshaded east-facing windows and only one pair of power outlets (towards the front to your right as you come in; you'll have to sit at the front corner table to use it) make this one appear to be best for midday or later with a charged battery if you're using a laptop. By the way, the iced tea isn't bad.

UPDATE: Apparently there are some additional power outlets available here that I missed (sorry about that!). See comment below.

1 comment:

Stacy and Jeremy said...

Hi! In addition to the outlet up front by the window table, there are a couple underneath the pew that runs along the long wall, one on the side of the pew by the bus tub, and one by the big, leather chair up front. They are all childproof, but you just have to insert your plug, and slide it to the right. They snap back to being covered when you pull the plug out. Glad you liked the iced tea! Thanks for coming in to check us out.