Friday, August 26, 2011

And still the question is asked-why?

Apple Store
4529 West 119th Street Suite 283, Leawood

SSID:  Apple Store

Long, long ago, when this blog first rose from the primordial ooze, yours truly took up temporary residence outside the Apple Store on the Plaza and confirmed it offered free Wi-Fi.  Well, nigh on six years later, here I am outside Apple's other location (it's to the southeast of the intersection of 119th and Roe, behind Crate and Barrel and between Destination Maternity and Glacé Artisan Ice Cream) and I can again attest, for what it's worth, that if you sit on the bench outside the front door with a charged battery you can help yourself to all the free access you want for as long as your battery lasts.

I wouldn't think they'd take kindly to you bringing your rig into the store, however, unless it's one of theirs and you're there for repair or tech support.  That and providing access for their demonstration machines-there's another SSID present that's suggestively named "Apple Demo"-are the only reasons I can think of for these places being unwired.

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