Sunday, October 09, 2005

Apple Store

Apple Store
4712 Broadway, Kansas City
SSID: Apple Store

That Apple Stores offer free Wi-Fi is repeatedly referred to in hotspot directories, and I can confirm from a brief stop out front that our local location is no exception. What I want to know is why. Does Apple expect someone with a Windows machine to come in just to connect? If they set up the network for sales demonstration purposes, what is their rationale for leaving it open?

Mind you, I'm not anti-Apple by any means-if I could justify spending what a Powerbook costs, I'd buy one-but I'm just curious about the logic behind all of this. If any of you regularly use, or have ever used, this hotspot or any of Apple's other ones, or if by chance you're with Apple and could give us some insight, your comments would be most welcome.

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