Saturday, August 13, 2011

Well, wouldn't you know it?

No sooner does the local public library with the worst network finally whip itself into shape then we get this truly disheartening report from Michigan of an outright scumbag allegedly having gone to great lengths to avail himself of what apparently was an open Wi-Fi connection offered by a nearby library branch to do his dirt.

Let's hope this doesn't spark a reversal of the trend evidenced by JCL's recent moves toward holding patrons responsible for their own actions on wireless devices which they-not the library-own. And before the shrill calls to amend the Children's Internet Protection Act to extend it to cover those devices arise, let's everyone take a deep breath and remember that the authorities
still easily managed to catch this guy the way things are now.

And while I hesitate to come off sounding like a candidate drumming up votes in today's just-concluded Iowa straw poll, bear in mind that even a stopped clock (one that still has hands and a dial opposed to a digital display, at least) is right twice a day. More laws, more regulation, or more government intervention isn't always the best answer to a problem.

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