Saturday, February 20, 2010

As Tony Soprano would say...

Had an errand to run out west yesterday afternoon and on the way I thought I'd drop in at the newest public library location over in Wyandotte County just to check things out.  After all, since it's a community library that's only affiliated with the KCK library system as opposed to being a directly administered branch, there was always a chance that its Wi-Fi, as opposed to KCK's, would be truly free and open, right?


Not only is it restricted to cardholders just like KCK's branches, but the login page still isn't properly secured to protect users' authentication credentials.  It would be bad enough that KCKPL still falsely advertises this network as open on its website even without putting the identities of its patrons at risk of theft.  Then again, I was the only potential user present during my brief visit.  Nor do I recall seeing any other laptops out the last few times I popped into the main KCK library to see if there'd been any change.  I guess some people just don't know how to take a hint.

Sadly, that's a malady that seems to be infecting the private sector as well.  You can also take Tony's advice above with regard to the new coffeehouse with the catchy name and "Wi-Fi" emblazoned on its windows over on the Missouri side in the Armour and Broadway area, unless you want to hassle with obtaining credentials and hooking into a WPA-protected network.  There didn't appear to be anyone there who did when I made a brief finder-scan-and-look-in-the-front-window stop on my way home.

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