Friday, February 26, 2010

It's free, open and in KCK...for now, at least.

Drink A Latte
3900 Rainbow Boulevard, KCK

SSID: Drink A Latte

Get there and enjoy it while you can, because not only does it close early for a coffeehouse (5 p. m.), but it may be closing for good in the next few months, since it lies in the path of the massive development project planned for the KU Medical Center area that's just been approved.

That proximity to the med school, by the way, may have something to do with this location's other big downside-almost no convenient parking. Had one of the two spaces reserved for its patrons in the lot of the tiny strip mall it's a part of not been available, I'd have faced a bit of a problem, to say the least.

That aside, the router is a bit glitchy, as the barista on duty volunteered when my first connection attempt failed, but there are a couple of seats next to power outlets along the walls. I don't think the east-facing windows would be a big problem except very early in the morning, and they're tinted dark enough not to raise an issue after that.

Well, here's hoping they find nice nearby accommodations if they do get shunted aside by progress. Wyandotte County needs all the hotspots like this it can get.

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