Friday, August 18, 2006

Give me strength...

Atlanta Bread Company
1686 N. W. Chipman Road (one block east of Buffalo Wild Wings), Lee's Summit

SSID: Atlanta Bread Co.

Three words-low signal strength.

I've got to wonder whether some hotspot operators ever try using their own networks. All of them should, because in some cases, it can be a very enlightening experience. For instance, why else would this location's signal strength be worst precisely where the only two sets of power outlets in the building are-along the west wall adjacent to the patio? And frankly, I'm not finding anywhere else that it's particularly good, either.

Indeed, if your laptop's only so-so as far as its wireless reception qualities are concerned, I'd pass on this one-at least without a USB adapter to save your bacon, as mine is doing right now.

Update: Just as I was getting ready to leave, the manager happened by and asked how I was faring. When I told (and showed) him, he disappeared into the kitchen to try and "tweak it a little bit," as he put it. I didn't see any change by the time I did leave, but management is now aware of the problem. Should any of you happen by and find things better than I did, please don't hesitate to let us know.

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