Friday, February 10, 2012

OK-we're trying here, folks. We REALLY are.

No sooner does ath64 proclaim a crusade to root out and publicize hotspots in the metro's most underserved areas than we get a lead on one that really sounds intriguing-a combination barber/beauty shop not far from the KCMO Southeast Branch Library. Frankly, I haven't heard of any other hair emporiums that have unwired, despite their seeming to be a natural location for it. And anything that would take the pressure off Southeast's beleaguered network would be most welcome as well.

Don't bother.

The network is locked down, making it off limits as far as this blog is concerned. And what's worse is that it's locked down with WEP, which anyone with a criminal bent and modest hacking skills who wanted to break in would overcome in mere seconds, if not minutes. And what's worst is that it appears no one there knows why it's locked down in the first place.

A kindly reminder to our valued and highly appreciated tipsters: "Free and open" means just that-you don't have to ask for anything in order to connect to the network. Those are the
only networks we review and publicize here, because accessing any other kind without prior authorization is against the law. All right-everyone got that?

And a gentle nudge to the proprietors of the above-mentioned establishment, along with others who are at least trying to bridge the digital divide: If you don't know why you're doing something, that's probably a good reason not to do it. There's a reason the routers at the Southeast and Bluford library branches aren't encrypted. It's the same reason yours shouldn't be either.

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