Saturday, July 23, 2011

Arch-cybercriminality-or what passes for it-in Washington state

Had to laugh when I ran across this little tidbit from Freeland, Washington. You've got to wonder why anyone would go to all that trouble to "steal" what would amount to only several cents' worth of electricity. The gasoline this miscreant burned getting to the library's parking lot would have cost her much more. She's obviously never contemplated why counterfeiters don't make dollar bills.

And kudos to the library manager for getting right on the case. A suggestion, if I might: If the few dollars a month you stand the potential of losing via this outdoor outlet are worth it to you, call an electrician and have an internally-mounted switch installed on the circuit so you can turn it off before you leave each night. That might not be a bad policy to follow with respect to your wi-fi router(s) as well if users congregating on your property after hours is a concern.

Yes, technically this is stealing...but it's still hilarious when you think about it.

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