Friday, June 24, 2011


Isn't it awful how the 24-hour news cycle has cheapened that phrase?  I mean, when was the last time you tuned into one of the cable news channels and didn't see a screaming banner proclaiming such?

But enough grumbling-it's Friday and here I am again in the Crown Center atrium, and I'm happy to report that not only did I not have to resort to fending for myself when it came to grabbing an IP address from the router (in fact I haven't had to do that again since telling you how in this January post), but it seems CC is catching on to this public-relations thing.  Boot up and hunt for the SSID down here now, and your eyes are no longer assaulted by the arcane "aircore.ccf" but the more benign and inviting "Crown Center food court."  Hey, it's a start.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled whatever.

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