Saturday, September 05, 2009

For $311 a day...

...I can think of better ideas for a six-week vacation, can't you?

Associated Press: Internet addiction center opens in U. S.

I love the way they start out with the "dog ate my homework" sob story about the kid who blew off his freshman year in college playing "World of Warcraft." Gotta suck in those worried parents with deep pockets first, right?

Let's also award style points for the eleven signs of Internet addiction they've already come up with. Dollars to doughnuts says we'll be seeing ads for a prescription drug to treat it as soon as the lobbyists finish buying off the FDA.

Here's the salient quote from the story, folks: "Internet addiction is not recognized as a separate disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, and treatment is not generally covered by insurance."

And if We the People are truly serious about reforming health care, keeping things that way would be a good start.

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