Thursday, August 21, 2008

Has the Cass County Public Library seen the light?

Or did they feel the heat? Either way, it appears from this that they've loosened their death grip on their wireless network.

Although a password-protected network is still a closed one in my book (even though it's suggested they'll give a login to anyone, cardholder or not, this isn't made clear), this is certainly a step in the right direction.

Memo to the library: If you're OK with giving login credentials to anyone, why still bother with requiring a login? Less hassle getting onto your network will result in more usage of the network. Which, of course, will result in less demand for time on your public computers, making them more available for people who really need them. You know, the people the computers are there for in the first place.

Win-win all around, wouldn't you say?

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