Thursday, August 21, 2008

At least it LOOKS inviting...

Latte Land
7900 State Line Road, Prairie Village


I must be honest and tell you I didn't sit down at this location and boot up like Macenstein did at the other Latte Land locations we've reviewed. I was in the area on other business and was pressed for time, but since we've reported so infrequently from the Golden Ghetto since the blog's early days, I didn't want to pass up this opportunity entirely. So, I pulled out ye olde finder which verified the protocol and SSID on the open access point, and pressed my nose to the window to try and give you an idea of the layout's laptop-friendliness.

While I saw a pair of power outlets in the corner to the right of the entrance, it didn't seem as if there were more along the north wall. However, there are a couple of booths like Macenstein found at the 47th Street Plaza location on the opposite side of the building, with the same hard-to-reach outlets on front beneath the seat cushions. The appealing thing about them, however, is that they're next to a fireplace built into the south wall. I may be tempted to come back around the holidays when they fire that up. Might make it a nice place to take a brief respite from shopping.

And I can only guess, but since the building faces east, with big windows to the front and north side, it might be best to plan your visit sometime other than early morning while the sun is still low if you're bringing a laptop with you.

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