Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Memo to whomever is running McDonald's these days

Dear Sir, Madam, or Whatever the Case May Be:

Stopped in at one of your midtown Kansas City locations for breakfast this morning and was gratified to see that the doors were actually unlocked at 6 a. m. Sometimes they aren't at this particular restaurant for some reason. Anyway, upon entering to order my Big Breakfast, I noticed your huge wall poster hawking "Wi-Fi @ McDonald's." What I'm writing to suggest is that you left off one big adjective that I think you really ought to consider adding-"FREE!"

Now why would I be inclined to stop in again for dinner after work and stay a while to use your play-for-pay hotspot when I could just hit the drive-through, then go home and hook up with the connection I'm already paying for? In fact, why wouldn't I just go home and cook dinner under those circumstances? Getting my drift here? "Amenities" I have to pay extra for really aren't amenities when you stop and think about it. If you want me to come in rather than drive through-or drive past on my way home-you've got to offer me something I can't get otherwise. You can pick my pocket perfectly well in the drive-through lane, thank you very much. I don't need to come in and sit down for that.

Besides, I think it's only going to be a matter of time before your competitors force your hand. More and more Burger Kings are showing up in the free hotspot listings all over. This blog, in fact, reviewed a Mr. Goodcents location not long ago that's within a few blocks of your restaurant, as well as a local Dairy Queen a few months back. Why not beat them to the punch and bring all of your locations-not just those few run by forward looking 21st-century thinkers-into the free world?

And by the way, when did you start putting only one sausage patty in the Big Breakfast instead of two?

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