Friday, July 27, 2007

Then again, I guess you COULD come after dark...

Legends Shopping Center, KCK

SSID: RoadRunnerSpeedzone

Well, it's here, it's free and open and it works. Unfortunately, that's about all the new outdoor hotzone has going for it at the moment. I'm at a table just outside Pride of Kansas City at Suite 107, and after nearly twenty minutes my eyes still haven't adjusted enough to see my screen well enough for me to type any faster than at a crawl. I think I'd just as soon slip into the nearby Scooter's Coffeehouse and catch up on my e-mail there. Either that or rig up a sunshield from cardboard or something-you know, like the hoods that NFL replay officials stick their heads under to study television monitors to make their calls. That might help. So, perhaps, would waiting a few years for these sapling trees to grow into real shade-throwers.

And with that, I'm going to have to stop. The sun just popped out from behind a cloud, and the situation has gone from bad to hopeless. Nonetheless, kudos to the Legends' management and Time Warner for taking a swing at this. It may not get much use-at least during daylight hours-but it's free, open, and in Wyandotte County. The more such locations, the better. And let's hope Time Warner pays very close attention to how well this location does as compared to the Country Club Plaza.

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