Friday, June 02, 2006

Oops, how did I let THIS one slip under the radar for so long?

Dunn Bros. Coffee
Red Bridge Shopping Center, 535 East 111th Street, Kansas City

SSID: dunnbros

I think I remember catching some buzz about this location when it opened earlier this year, but things sort of caught up with me and I didn't get a chance to try it out until now. I'm using my backup laptop (the one with the anemic 802.11b card) and it's not having trouble staying connected, so you shouldn't either. If you need a power outlet, your best bet is a table along one of the walls. And therein lies one potential problem. The cafe's a storefront with big-and I mean
BIG-windows, which might cause LCD readability issues on a bright sunshiny day if you have to sit up front to plug in.

And curiously, they're set up somewhat like Westport Coffee House-as a cybercafe with a couple of desktop computers at a "tech bar" with a sign declaring that their use requires a purchase. Their wireless network, however, is free and open. I guess we laptoppers are just too conscientious to abuse their hospitality. At least I hope we are.

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