Monday, June 19, 2006

I guess someone downtown IS reading this!

Kansas City Public Library, Southeast Branch
6242 Swope Parkway, Kansas City

SSID: library

Well, what do you know? No sooner do I carp on the KCMO Library leaving its two neediest locations for last than I drop in at one of them and find it lit up.

All the standard caveats for the other KC Library locations besides Central and Plaza apply here, so if you absolutely have to plug in you'll have to be adventurous. The building, as I recall, is of the same vintage as the Trails West branch I profiled a few weeks back, so power outlets are about as scarce. There's a table towards the back under the very LCD-unfriendly skylight that has four outlets under a hinged door in the floor. I'm currently plugged into one of them and no one's taken exception as of yet. There's a row of three green chairs along the wall to the left of the windows; the middle one has a pair of outlets behind it, as does the single chair to the right of the windows. Don't bother with the carrels on the other table. They aren't wired.

And my finder detected four access points, so signal strength shouldn't be an issue.

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