Saturday, March 11, 2006

No laptop? No problem!

I stopped in at the Plaza Library to update the blog while on the run this afternoon and noticed that their long-rumored laptop lending program has become a reality. Just show them a library card and a picture ID and you can treat yourself to the exclusive use of a Pentium M-equipped Dell Latitude D810 with wireless access to the library's online resources and the Internet, courtesy of the library's network. The downsides are that the machines use the same management software as the library's workstations, although instead of just 45 minutes of use you'll get 60, and the connection is, of course, filtered.

Someone I spoke with at the library says they currently have ten of the machines, and there are usually two or three in use at any given time. if they'd offer to lend you a MacBookPro for a couple of hours in return for joining the Friends of the Library, they might have something there.

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