Saturday, November 17, 2012


Breaking news-there's this big huge thing called the Internet out there-and there's-wait for it-dirty stuff on it!  And if we don't prevent access to that dirty stuff, it will sweep over us like a tsunami, and...

Well, you get the idea.  And perhaps the humorous tone I've taken above really isn't appropriate for this first story from Florida, given that the scumbag involved is accused of pulling down child porn.  Nonetheless I feel I do need to take some issue with the detective quoted in the story when it comes to his veiled threat to those running free and open Wi-Fi networks.  Remember, Sherlock-you caught this guy because he was sitting out in the open while accessing such a network-because that was all he had available.

And then we go across the pond to merrie old England, where it's apparently just dawned on some folks there that free and open Wi-Fi means free and open for bad stuff too-and that Wi-Fi networks don't care how old their users are.  A gentle suggestion to our British friends with such concerns:  Instead of running to the goverment demanding action, why not perhaps look a bit closer to home?  Since parents generally do a better job of raising kids than governments can manage, it stands to reason that parental controls on privately owned Internet-connected devices ought to work better than government controls on businesses serving the public at large. 

One would think that if the party currently in power over there was conservative in more than just name only, it wouldn't take a disaffected American to point this out.

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