Saturday, December 04, 2010

Whoops-missed the bus.

Sorry I didn't catch this tidbit from the Kansas City Business Journal way back in August:  Johnson County Transit has unwired buses on some of its routes. 

Strictly speaking, of course, these rolling hotspots aren't really free and open-you have to pay the fare to board-but I'm interested in how they're working out.  Seems they'd run into something of the same problem the airlines have had with trying to sell "fly-fi" on shorter routes; the less time you have to actually use the connection before arriving at your destination, the less likely you are to use it at all-or pay for it.  While additional money isn't involved on the buses, I still wonder how many riders will bother with booting up unless they're commuting a really long distance.

Any bus surfers out there care to weigh in with your experiences?

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