Saturday, May 15, 2010

Well, if McDonald's isn't going to do it...

Burger King
4351 Blue Parkway, Kansas City

SSID:  BKHotSpot 

Perhaps, as Macenstein intimated in a recent post, it was premature to suggest that the decision of the Empire of the Golden Arches to give away its Wi-Fi would be a boon to underserved areas, given that (as I'm embarrassed to admit I'd forgotten) there really aren't many Mickey D locations left in those parts of town where the need is greatest.  

Therefore it's gratifying to note that this newest Burger King location, in the Shops on Blue Parkway center between Cleveland and Elmwood, is not only unwired but seems to have been designed at least in part with laptoppers in mind.  There are at least three pairs of power outlets along each of the east and west walls, so finding a seat next to one shouldn't be a problem unless the place is really crowded.  The only potential issue would be the windows, especially early and late when the sun is low.  At other times, you may simply need to let your eyes adapt for a bit.

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