Thursday, March 19, 2009

As if there wasn't already reason enough...

...why America's auto industry is in such bad shape, now you can be the first kid on your block with a rolling cellular-fed hotspot, courtesy of GM's Cadillac division. Glenn Fleishman over at Wi-Fi Networking News has all the gory details.

Never mind that it'll only support WEP encryption-which has essentially been nothing more than a no-trespassing sign for the past half-decade-and will cost out the wazoo, as cellular data all too often still does. If this catches on you've got to wonder how long it'll be before the first bans on surfing while driving are enacted-and how many innocents will be maimed or worse between now and then.

Besides, I'd bet anyone who regularly carries passengers who really need something like this has already rigged up a cellular-to-Wi-Fi router and AC inverter to provide it using the service they're already paying for. At least that's what I'd do.

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