Saturday, February 07, 2009

Not that I'd have sat there and eaten the whole 20-piece bucket, mind you...

An open letter to the nice folks, whoever and wherever they are, currently responsible for upholding the legacy of Colonel Harlan Sanders at KFC:

Dear Folks: Dropped in at one of your nearby locations to pick up a weekend's worth and while I was waiting for it I just thought I'd pull out my finder and see how good a job you were doing in protecting those vulnerable credit card numbers. You know-hidden SSID, WPA instead of WEP and all that. Well...imagine my surprise upon coming across a wide-open 802.11g access point with a SSID that let's just say would be quite familiar to both of us.

Now, what would you say should have been the proper response of the restaurant's manager upon being informed of my find and asked whether it's intended for customer use? Should it have been:

1.) "Why yes, we've just implemented that. In fact, here's a little brochure explaining how to log on and detailing our terms of service. Sorry we haven't gotten around to putting up the window stickers to let everyone know about it yet."

Or, perhaps:

2.) "Thanks for pointing that out. We'll shut that down and get hold of our IT department as soon as we can to properly secure that. Again, thanks for looking out for us and our customers."

I think we'd all agree that the one response I should NOT have heard is:

3.) "Duh..."

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