Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No April Fool's joke, this.

Benetti's Coffee Experience
6109 Blue Ridge Boulevard, Raytown

SSID: Benettis_WiFi

If your battery's low, your only options are two or three tables towards the back next to power outlets. That's just as well if you come late in the day, given the big unshaded windows at the front of the west-facing building. The ones facing east and north in the rear are unshaded as well, which probably wouldn't help during an early morning visit.

And since those rear windows and the outdoor deck beyond them are within sight of the stadium lights at Raytown High School, you've got to expect this place to attract a predominately young clientele. My tests, however, didn't clearly detect the presence of filtering, which means either that it isn't there or if it is, you shouldn't need to worry about overblocks.

One slight quibble, however, is signal strength. I'm seeing about 60 per cent right now, and it's causing a bit of a drag on performance. (Memo to the management: Try moving to another channel; it looks like you're taking a hit from a nearby closed AP that's also broadcasting on 6.)

Oh, by the way-I'd love to tell you the SSID of the closed 802.11N network owned by a nearby business that my finder detected out in the parking lot, but if I did, you'd think I was making an April Fool's joke. You'll have to come and see for yourself.

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