Friday, February 22, 2008

So, why haven't we weighed in on the changes at Starbucks yet?

Because frankly, it looks like not a whole lot has changed from where I sit.

(By the way, at this very moment I'm sitting in the Crown Center atrium, eagerly awaiting the stroke of six to see if the Friday Night Follies of late will recur. I'll update you later.)

Getting back to Starbucks, if you ask me all they've done is exchange one play-for-pay provider for another. Despite everyone trumpeting their new "free" access, a cursory look at what they're offering clearly shows it to be nothing of the sort. You have to buy something, people. Not only that, but you have to jump through so many hoops I wouldn't be surprised to soon see Starbucks' baristas employing whips and chairs to keep things running smoothly.

Will Starbucks ever come to its senses and truly join the free world? Well, they just announced six hundred layoffs today, so hope springs eternal.

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