Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Three down, three to go?

Kansas City Public Library, Waldo Community Branch
201 East 75th Street, Kansas City

SSID: library

Apparently, whoever promised that KCMO's public library branches would all be unwired by the end of next month wasn't just whistling Dixie. According to their wireless information page, this branch as well as the Trails West and Westport branches now have Wi-Fi, leaving only Bluford, Southeast, and Sugar Creek still to go live. (Southeast still wasn't showing a SSID as of this afternoon, when I stopped in for a few moments.)

I just hope that what I'm seeing in the way of performance here at Waldo is merely the result of my experimenting with wireless networking in Linux and not an indication of problems with the connection itself. I've used dialup that was faster than this. Also, there aren't any power outlets readily apparent. Tell you what. I'll take a break and go search for one, then boot into Windows and let you know if that's any better.

Update: I'm now in Play-for-Pay...oops, I mean Windows, and it is better. Well, as they say, the trouble with free software is that you get what you pay for. Anyway, there's a two-outlet power receptacle in the floor near a table by the back. It's the only really usable one I've found, though (there are a few wall receptacles in back by the windows, but if you try plugging into them you'll probably get into trouble for running your cord across the floor to them from the nearest chairs or tables), so you should definitely plan on using battery power for an extended visit. Don't bother with trying to plug your AC adapter into any of the outlets under the carrels. The one beneath the carrel I sat at wasn't "hot" and I'd hazard a guess that none of the rest of them are either. I don't see any of the access points or antennas, but with my finder having detected four APs getting and staying connected shouldn't be a problem if your adapter is working as it should.

And if any of you ever thought you had any reason to risk using that rogue open access point I've warned you about a couple of times now, you don't any more.

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