Saturday, May 17, 2014

So, you're a refugee from the wrong side of the digital divide...

...sitting in an unwired public library with your laptop or tablet, and it's getting close to closing time.  What are you going to do?

Well, if that public library is in Forest Park, Illinois and you're a cardholder, fear not, according to the Forest Park Review. 

Just check the Internet out and take it home with you.

I'll have to admit to some mild skepticism when I first came across this story, so I sauntered over to the library's website-and do you know what?  It's true.

No mention either in the story or on the website as to whether that 21-day checkout will include some kind of bandwidth limitation, and it'll be interesting to see if the question of whether the connection should be filtered comes up (they're lending the devices to patrons as young as 12).

All in all, an intriguing effort to say the least.  Hope it plays out well so more libraries pick up on it.

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