Sunday, December 15, 2013

Harlem Renaissance, 21st Century Edition

NYC Mayor's Office:  Harlem to become biggest Wi-Fi hotzone in USA.

Interesting, to say the least.  And it's not like the need isn't there, either.  I just hope it doesn't prove to be a crime magnet given that it's only going to be accessible outdoors.  People too scared to come out and use it won't benefit from it.  

You know, it might have been better to have made an effort to recruit either new or existing business owners to unwire and provide some safe indoor 24-hour venues-or at least locations open later than the public library branches which probably are taking the brunt of bridging the digital divide currently-in the covered neighborhoods, and perhaps this should be looked at anyway as a spur to economic development.  

In any event, here's hoping it works out in the end.  

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